sebastián guerrico di pentima nace en Rosario, Argentina (1972). Estudia en la Universidad Nacional de Rosario (UNR), así como en la escuela Superior de Valladolid y la escuela Superior de Arquitectura del Vallés (ETSAV) Barcelona, España. Obtiene su titulo de arquitecto en la UNR (2000) con mención de honor. Arquitecto matriculado por el CAPSF (04221). Posteriormente obtiene su maestría en Arquitectura March (2003_05) en Graduate School of Design (GSD) Harvard University, Cambridge Massachusetts, Usa. Ha participado en numerosos concursos nacionales e internacionales de los que se destacan el primer premio en el concurso restringido para el nuevo Hospital de Rubí-Sant Cugat (2010), el primer premio en el concurso nacional para la nueva sede de la biblioteca Publica de Girona (2008), el primer premio en el concurso restringido del Hospital Ligero de Granollers, Barcelona (2008), el segundo premio en el concurso nacional para la nueva estación del Tren de Alta velocidad en el Prat del llobregat, Barcelona (2007), y el segundo premio en el concurso nacional para la nueva escuela de ingeniería de la UNR (1999) Rosario Argentina. Ha Dictado clases como profesor invitado en el Centro de Estudios Superiores de Diseño de Monterrey, CEDIM (2013) Monterrey, México, así como co-profesor del taller vertical de la Universitat Internacional de Catalunya, Uic (2010) Barcelona España, co-profesor de proyecto en el Instituto de tecnología de New Jersey NJit (Fall 2006) New York USA, co-profesor del curso de verano de City collage of New York (2006)Barcelona España, así también como profesor en la UNR (2002)Rosario, Argentina. Actualmente desarrolla su práctica profesional en Barcelona, Cataluña, España.
sebastián guerrico di pentima was born in Rosario, Argentina (1972). He studied at the National University of Rosario (UNR) as well as the Superior School of Valladolid and the Superior School of Architecture of the Vallès (ETSAV) Barcelona, Spain. He obtained his degree in architecture from the UNR (2000) with honours. Architect registered at CAPSF (04221). Subsequently he obtained his Masters in Architecture March (2003_05) at Graduate School of Design (GSD) Harvard University, Cambridge Massachusetts, Usa. He has participated in numerous national and international competitions which include the first prize in a restricted competition for the new Hospital of Rubi-Sant Cugat (2010), first prize in the national competition for the new headquarters of the Public library of Girona (2008), first prize in the Hospital of Granollers, Barcelona (2008), the second prize in the national competition for the new High speed Train station at el Prat de llobregat, Barcelona (2007), and the second prize in the national competition for the new school of engineering at UNR (1999) Rosario, Argentina. He has taught as a visiting professor at Centro de Estudios Superiores de Diseño de Monterrey CEDIM (2013) Monterrey, Mexico as well as co-teacher of a workshop at Universitat Internacional de Catalunya, Uic (2010) Barcelona Spain, co-teacher of the design studio at New Jersey Institute of Technology, NJIT (Fall 2006) New York USA, co-teacher of the summer course of the City Collage of New York City (2006) Barcelona Spain, as well as professor at UNR (2002) Rosario, Argentina. Currently he is located in Barcelona, Cataluña, Spain.
sebastián guerrico di pentima was born in Rosario, Argentina (1972). He studied at the National University of Rosario (UNR) as well as the Superior School of Valladolid and the Superior School of Architecture of the Vallès (ETSAV) Barcelona, Spain. He obtained his degree in architecture from the UNR (2000) with honours. Architect registered at CAPSF (04221). Subsequently he obtained his Masters in Architecture March (2003_05) at Graduate School of Design (GSD) Harvard University, Cambridge Massachusetts, Usa. He has participated in numerous national and international competitions which include the first prize in a restricted competition for the new Hospital of Rubi-Sant Cugat (2010), first prize in the national competition for the new headquarters of the Public library of Girona (2008), first prize in the Hospital of Granollers, Barcelona (2008), the second prize in the national competition for the new High speed Train station at el Prat de llobregat, Barcelona (2007), and the second prize in the national competition for the new school of engineering at UNR (1999) Rosario, Argentina. He has taught as a visiting professor at Centro de Estudios Superiores de Diseño de Monterrey CEDIM (2013) Monterrey, Mexico as well as co-teacher of a workshop at Universitat Internacional de Catalunya, Uic (2010) Barcelona Spain, co-teacher of the design studio at New Jersey Institute of Technology, NJIT (Fall 2006) New York USA, co-teacher of the summer course of the City Collage of New York City (2006) Barcelona Spain, as well as professor at UNR (2002) Rosario, Argentina. Currently he is located in Barcelona, Cataluña, Spain.
All content is © 2010 by sebastián guerrico. All rights reserved. • #9905